• Reach out to more and more customers efficiently by installing our remittance kiosk throughout the city.
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Remittance kiosk solution

Remittance flow around the globe is increasing and so as the competition. Money exchange companies need to retain the customers and look for new customers as well. Companies have to extend their reach to more customers, however the traditional method of opening new branches are no more attractive because of the high rent, and high operational expenses. The smart way of extending their reach or making them available for customers are by being SMART. In other word being digital. Money exchange houses have joined the league of digitalization along with banks by extending their service after the working hours.

Kiosk which work as a branch and mobile app for remittance are the two methods of making their service available 24/7 to their customers. A self-service kiosk does everything a remittance clerk or teller does, it allows a registered customer to choose the beneficiary from his list, choose the destination amount to be transferred and make the payment by cash and collect the change. If a kiosk does everything a branch does, why do you invest heavily in the branch, why not in KIOSK. For banked customers, exchange companies can provide mobile apps which enable them making the transactions by directly debiting the money from their bank account or wallet.

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Conventional money exchange branches been replaced by our remittance kiosks. Here is why ?

Drawbacks of branches


Security Deposit

Huge amount of security deposit required by central bank to open new branches



Huge amount of rent in prime locations


Operating Expenses

High operating expenses in terms of staff salary and others.


Working Hours

Difficlut to operate 24/7 working hours basis

Benefits of Panashi Remittance Kiosks


Highly cost effective

Digital channels help you from bleeding money


Fast and Secure

Digital channels are very quick and secure


Minimal operational cost

Can reduce the operational cost significantly


Easy relocation

Relocation of kiosk machine is as simple as that

  • Highest standards of security used in developing our solution – Triple DES, ISO 8583, REST/SOAP, SSL/TLS
  • Software as a service (SaaS) available
  • Endless customization
  • Branding of kiosk machines as per the client’s guidelines.
  • 24/7 operations
  • Eliminate the huge investment of having a branch
  • Easy relocation to better sales location
  • Best suits to target blue collar workers by installing kiosk in labor camps.
  • Win over shopping mall’s high rent by placing kiosks.
  • Transparent and competitive pricing
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The beauty of our solution is that our core software connects with Kiosk, Web app and Mobile app. Customer doesn’t need to invest in the sever software for each channels separately, with one software all the channels can be operated and managed.

Mobile apps for remittance
Web apps for remittance
Self - Service remittance kiosk

Benefits of Remittance Kiosk