Digital Banking Kiosk Project

Wahda Digital Banking Kiosk Project
in Libya, Africa

Wahda bank is considered to be the leading bank in providing distinguished banking products and services in Libya using the latest techniques and qualified skilled staff who are specialized in all kinds of banking operations up of the level of international standards.

Panashi implement 'smart bank branch' for Wahda bank, one of its kind in Libya and Wahda bank to become the pioneer in providing digital services through this 'smart branches'. It is Panashi's second Digital Banking project in African Region. These digital banking kiosks would do any operations that a conventional branch does currently, including account opening, KYC, card issuance, cheque issuance, cash deposit etc. Someone can approach these digital banking kiosks and can get their account opened in minutes along with printing their personalized debit card and cheque books instantly. These kiosk will serve their customers 24/7 without any time limitations unlike conventional bank branches.

digital banking kiosk
digital banking kiosk

Panashi kiosks in 'smart bank branches' are highly modernized and those are completely self-service digital banking kiosks and employees are not required to operate this kiosks. The best part of these kiosks are, it can easily be installed anywhere and can easily relocate to a better sales location quickly. These kiosks can also use for marketing campaigns and sales promotions.

The first 'smart bank branch' would be operational in May, 2023 and more such branches would be opened in 2023 as per the management of Wahda Bank.